



  • Turn on the Vitrobot using the main power switch located at the rear panel

  • Replace filter paper (16 blots max)

    • It is convenient to replace it when the central rod is up, for example, when you start the Vitrobot

    • Use gloves and tweezers to avoid contaminating the paper

    • Make sure not to bend the paper in the box when you take it out or close the box

    • Clip with circular clipping rings: the concave side of the paper is put against the blot pads (do not apply excessive pressure on the blotting pads)

  • If using the humidifier fill it up with dH20

    • Pull in the humidifier cable so it doesn’t get stuck (don’t disconnect)

    • Clip on the humidifier with the bayonette clip-on lock

    • Fill with 60 mL of dH20 with syringe (40 mL if top-up requested by the Vitrobot software)

    • Remove air with syringe suction

  • Set up temperature and humidity parameters in the Console window

    • Note: increasing the humidity will affect the temperature in the chamber, and for critical experiment an additional time for thermal equilibration might be required (see the manual for details)

  • Set up parameters in the Options window

  • Recommended options in Miscellaneous box:

    • Humidifier off during sample processing

    • Skip grid transfer

  • Specify the following in Process Parameters in Options window: * Blot Total – the number of blottings * Blot time - the time for each individual blot * Blot force - force of the blotpads applied onto the grid * Wait time - time before blotting * Drain time - time between blotting and plunge freezing * Skip sample application: if sample already on grid (e.g. Cells)

  • Save the program (you can also Load previously saved program from a list)

  • You can also Add or a Delete step(s) for sequential blotting and determine parameters

  • Test the program before you start working

  • Leave the Vitrobot to equilibrate for 20-30 min

Material Preparation

  • Glow discharge grids (more than required)

  • Prepare hairdryer

  • Prepare 5 L LN2 dewar, small dewar with Falcon tubes, small thermos flask for topping up the coolant chamber with filtered LN2

  • Prepare Falcon tubes, grid boxes and screwdrivers or rods

  • Prepare the coolant container:
    • Insert brass coloured inner cup, grid box holder, the spindle/spider and anti-contamination ring (figure 1)

    • Fill up the inner (brass) and outer chamber (styrofoam) with LN2 and let it settle under a glass cupola (to prevent contamination from humidity in the air)

    • Wait until LN2 evaporates from the brass coloured cup (should take around 5 minutes), top up the outer chamber if necessary

      figure 1

  • Condense ethane:
    • WEAR GLASSES AND GLOVES, ALWAYS WORK IN THE FUME HOOD, make sure that all LN2 have evaporated from the ethane cup

    • Open the valve 1, and valve 3 on the on the ethane bottle (figure 2)

    • Carefully open valve 2 of the ethane bottle, aim for your skin on the wrist above you gloved hand. When you can feel a gentle stream of gas on your skin, the inital stream of gas i sufficient (on the manometer the pressure should be around 1). Better too slow than too fast!

    • Close valve 2. Put the pipette tip of the out-flow at the bottom of the ethane cup, quickly turn back the flow of ethane by turning valve 2 back to the position of the gentle stream.

    • Start filling the ethane cup with ethane. After 10-30 seconds the sound of the ethane should start to zizzle (as a result of liquid ethane forming)

    • Gently fill up the cup with ethane with one hand ond valve 2 to increase/decrease gas-flow along the way

    • When the ethane is ~1 mm away from the spider/spindle, quickly remove the tip of the ethane-tube as you close valve 2

    • Cover the coolant container with a glass cupla again and wait for a white ethane crust to form around the edges of the ethane cup
      • In the meantime close valve 1 of the ethane bottle, gently empty the gas left in the tube inside the fume hood by opening valve 2

      • Close valve 2 and valve 3 of the ethane bottle

    • Remove the the cooling spindle/spider – if the ethane has frozen more than expected: use flat end of the large tweezers or a spare brass coloured cup to thaw the top quickly

    • Top up the LN2 as required

    • Place your marked grid box(es) onto the grid box holder (TEST them!)

    • Transfer the coolant chamber and LN2 thermos flask next to the Vitrobot

    figure 2

  • (Condense ethane with a NanoSoft ethane-condenser):
    • WEAR GLASSES AND GLOVES, ALWAYS WORK IN THE FUME HOOD, make sure that all LN2 have evaporated from the ethane cup

    • Follow the instructions on the following video:

Vitrobot Cycle

  • Press: Place a new grid
    • Pick up a glow–discharged grid with the Vitrobot tweezers

    • Make sure that the black clamping ring of the tweezers is fixed at the first notch (counting from top of the tweezers – not from the grid!) and that the grid doesn’t fall off in vertical position

    • Mount the tweezers (spring forward - unless blotting was optimised with the wrong RHS position)

    • Check if the grid is centred on the rod

  • Press: Start process and the tweezers will be taken into the climate chamber*
    • If Autoraise Ethanelift is on, the cooling chamber will automatically be lifted; if not click next button or use the foot pedal if this is enabled
      • If something goes wrong, just press: Place new grid

  • Press: Continue
    • The tweezers will be lowered down to apply the sample (typically 3 uL, but this may vary)
      • If Skip application is on, blotting will start

  • Press: Continue to move on to blotting and plunge
    • As the coolant chamber is lowering down, top it up with LN2 to the level above the grid boxes

  • Carfully disconnect the tweezers from the central axis
    • (It may be helpful to lift the coolant container with the tweezers still submerged in ethane from the support ring and position it next to Vitrobot)

    • Transfer the grid into LN2 and then into the grid box

    • Remove tweezers, dry them and pickup a new grid

  • Press: Place new grid to repeat the process and freeze another sample

Shutting down

  • Take the tweezers off

  • Press: exit and confirm that the tweezers were removed

  • Switch off the vitrobot by turning the flick-button on the back of it

  • Remove and empty the humidifier

  • Pour the water out of the inner chamber of the humidifier and remove the remaining water (in the inner chamber) from the bottom with the syringe


  • At 99% humidity the sample does not concentrate by evaporation

  • Note that blotting parameters (time and number of blottings) determine the initial thickness of the thin film, further thinning will occur during the drain time

  • If temperature is important, keep samples in a water bath prior to loading

  • For low viscosity of samples sequential quick blottings are recommended; for high viscosity sample - longer blotting time

  • Consider using low temperature (4 C) and no humidifier: after 30 min there will be ~90% humidity in the chamber without any steam or condensation